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YouTube - YouTube brings a new design with great features and important modifications

The new YouTube design has great features and modifications

The new YouTube design

Recently, YouTube has been subjected to a lot of criticism due to its advertising decisions recently, and now it has started to come up with a new design for the video screen. Google offers the language of its design for YouTube. The company began implementing the same design language across all platforms after creating the Material You Design language for Android 13.

YouTube is coming with a new look

Reports said, YouTube has undergone a major redesign that has affected its designs for desktop and mobile devices. This redesign appeared for a short time for two users on desktop and mobile web.

The new YouTube design

According to reports, the corners of the buttons will be soft with the new model. The design will also have rounded corners in the thumbnails, plus the Explore section has been moved to the left.

New YouTube design details

The desktop design has seen more reviews than the mobile design. And the company made some important modifications, the most important of which was the transition from gray to black. The design of the Android app for YouTube Music uses the same design components.

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There are more changes too on the desktop web home page. The new design has a true dark look instead of gray. There is also a research field in the form of a medicine capsule that appears in a nice and distinctive way, in addition to the fact that the circle of topics has also been updated. It comes as YouTube Music for Android is also switching to this design, as the streaming service is already using a black background.

The new YouTube design

Notably, the new YouTube is still being tested. And the components of the new design are not yet complete. And the company, which has accelerated work on its new design, will soon reveal the result.
Google-owned video sharing company, YouTube, recently introduced a new ad style that will come into effect later this month. YouTube viewers without a Premium subscription will now get up to five ads before the video starts.
Reports indicated, that a number of Free YouTubers started talking on Twitter and Reddit about having to watch 5 ads instead of 2 before they could watch their YouTube video. Several free users said they received five non-skippable instead of skippable ads before watching the video.

What do you think of the services of the YouTube platform? Share with us in the comments.


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